Wealth Through Probate

Buying Real Estate in Probate

Real Estate Investing in Probate Properties

iStock_000000562013XSmallWealth through probate is possible when a real estate investor takes the time to learn the ins-and-outs of this real estate investing niche. Buying Real Estate in Probate, by Dennis Henson, teaches the Seven Secrets of Real Estate Investing, and the five skills necessary for success.
The first step in building wealth through probate is to understand what probate is. While the dictionary provides one description, Dennis provides a more intense description that will enable you, the real estate investor, to be in the right place at the right time to buy probate real estate.

Top Ten Probate Real Estate Tips

Dennis J. Henson shares his top ten probate real estate tips that will help make you a success at building wealth through probate.

1-Perspective is Everything

-The ability to look at things from another’s point of view will allow you to approach the personal representative in a way that will let you be a problem solver, and to ultimately be successful in probate real estate.

2-Get to know the probate attorneys

-Visiting your local probate court regularly will get you familiar with local probate attorneys

3-Look at older probate files

-The more time that passes without the property selling, the more likely that the Probate Problem will have had time to work, and the personal representative will be eager to sell.


4-If at first you don’t succeed, try again

– Be persistent in reaching out to the personal representative

5-“I’m so sorry for your loss”

-Never forget that probate starts with a death. The personal representative will be more likely to do business with you if you convey that you understand. The more empathic you can be at the beginning, the better your chances are to make the deal.

6-Don’t get your feelings hurt

-Often a grieving personal representative will be less that cordial, lashing out in anger.

7-“Pay cash, close fast”

-This is the magic phrase to use when contacting the personal representative

8-Use “The right price”

-Using a property analyzer

9-View the property with the personal representative

-That way you can point out the problems with the property in a way that justifies your final offer

10-Never be the first to name a price

-Always get the personal representative to name the price they are hoping to get for the property first.
In addition to these top ten probate real estate tips, Dennis J. Henson’s course “Buying Probate Real Estate” will answer the following questions to wealth through probate:
1 Why can a Personal Representative be sued?
2 How do you locate probate real estate?
3 Where do you find probate contact information?
probate-findcontactinfo4 How are probate files numbered? What does 09-40 mean?
5 Why don’t more real estate investors get into probate property?
6 What should your first letter say?
7 What is the phrase that will get you the deal?
8 How do you prepare the offer?
9 What do you say to get the seller to name his price?
10 Do you understand the subtle art of negotiation?

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