Assignment Contract

Hi, Here is an assignment contract for you. Before you download it below… If you’d like to make money in real estate without having to deal with… – old crappy houses – huge renovations – war zone neighborhoods   CHECK THIS OUT  🙂...

Quotes of the week

You’ll be motivated to change only when you clearly understand the reason why you want to change your life – and your reason is more important to you than any excuses you have for not changing. When the fear of remaining; where you are becomes greater than...

Gift of the Month

This month’s gift is the book:   “Using Affirmations for Success” by Will Edwards.     The Dictionary defines affirmation as: “A statement of the truth of something; assertion.” Affirmations are a powerful ingredient in...

Tip of The Month

Here is this Month’s Tip   Click Here for Dennis’ video tip of the Month- Know Your Exit Strategy.   Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. — JIM ROHN   Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with...

Quotes of the week

When people are greedy be fearful. When people are fearful be greedy. — WARREN BUFFET   There is no man living who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can do. — HENRY FORD   Though my soul may set in darkness, it will...

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