Unlike many educational-guru seminars that are fronted by professional actors, pushy up-sales people or stand-ins, at Sumrok’s events, you get Brad Sumrok. Sumrok’s mentoring approach is to transfer his expertise, tools, contacts, and processes to his students in the quickest time possible, there-by allowing them to become “independent” from him within a 12-month period. Students that follow the process and implement Sumrok’s teachings are able to achieve their own levels of competence and ultimately can go out and do it on their own.


“All of my programs, whether it be a seminar, webinar, training or mentoring session are personally conducted by me,” Sumrok says. “This is a key thing you should look for as you consider your educational options in this age of self-styled Internet marketing experts who choose to license their brand, name (and credibility) to edu-tainment and telemarketing companies to raise more money with less work.”


“To me, a real mentor is someone who’s been in your shoes, has learned and done what you want to learn and do and is willing and available to transfer that knowledge and experience to you – personally,” says Sumrok. “A mentor who has had himself, his ideas and his courage tested time over time and has returned with the results to back it up,” he says. “I ‘walk the walk,’ not just ‘talk the talk.’ “


Learn more about apartment investing on Brad’s site at http://www.bradsumrok.com/

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