The passage of the Dodd-Frank Act has posed some extreme hurdles across the US,

especially for borrowers in the 14 states who now have only three available options open

to them if they wish to obtain funds through a private lender – none of which are appealing

or advantageous.

To help you sort through this mess, Alan Cowgill just created The Dodd-Frank eBook.
Included in this informative eBook is…


  • The 14 states that took it way too far.
  • What the law says on the 9 areas impacted.
  • Your impact on Seller Financing (ouch). You’ll want to scream when you read this.
  • The 11 key provisions as it relates to consumer borrowing.
  • Maybe the best part is how to avoid some of the Dodd-Frank pain.


To get Alan’s book on owner financing and the law, follow this link- Dodd Frank Act.

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